
​ 各国纷纷改口,“反华为联盟”出现根本性松动

数据观编译 数据观 2020-08-31


来源 | 数据观(转载请注明来源)

编译 | 王婕

编辑 | 方茶云

伴随着日前世界移动通信大会(MWC)在西班牙巴塞罗那的开幕,华为和其最新产品华为Mate X折叠屏手机无疑成了这次大会的第一个“爆点”,吸引了众多人的目光。而不久前华为刚获得的来自土耳其的5G大单,该项目将成为全球最大的云化EPC网络,也是全球首次同时商用云化网络、CUPS、灰度升级等5G演进关键技术的核心网。显然,正如华为创始人任正非此前在接受BBC专访时表示的那样——“美国不可能扼杀掉我们。这个世界离不开我们,因为我们比较先进。”在西方各国的围堵之下,华为表现得十分自信、开放和主动。



英国正淡化华为5G威胁UK plays down Huawei 5G threat


A UK intelligence agency does not believe banning Huawei equipment from 5G rollouts is warranted, a development which could also provide a boost for the under-fire vendor across Europe.


Citing comments from sources familiar with the matter, Financial Times(FT) reported the UK’s National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) concluded it is possible to limit the risk of using Huawei’s kit in 5G networks in the country.


While the comments are unconfirmed, a NCSC representative told Mobile World Live in a statement that it has “unique oversight and understanding of Huawei engineering and cyber security”, while adding it has concerns around its equipment and it has set out improvements it “expects the company to make”.

尽管上述言论尚未得到证实,但英国国家网络安全中心(NCSC)的一名代表在一份声明中对Mobile World Live表示,英国对华为的工程和网络安全有着“独特的监督和理解”,同时补充称,他们对华为的设备感到担忧,并列出了希望华为做出的“改进”。

An official government review to determine whether Huawei can be used in UK 5G networks, which the NCSC is contributing to, is expected to be published in March or April.


UK unconvinced


FT’s sources said the NCSC’s conclusion would “carry great weight” with European leaders, as the UK has access to sensitive to US intelligence through its membership of the Five Eyes intelligence sharing network.


The US, Australia and New Zealand, which are also members of the intelligence network, have already implemented 5G bans on Huawei and compatriot company ZTE. The US has pressured its allies to take the same stance, arguing Huawei’s equipment contains backdoors allowing the Chinese state to spy on other nations.


Huawei has long denied such links exist: founder and CEO Ren Zhengfei recently stated that while he loves his country and supports the Communist Party of China “I would never do anything to harm another country or another individual”.


The US argues that the fact 5G will be so fast and have many military applications means the risk of using Chinese telecoms equipment is very high.


However, FT reported the UK and Germany remain unconvinced.


A source said: “Other nations can make the argument that if the British are confident of mitigation against national security threats then they can also reassure their publics and the US administration that they are acting in a prudent manner in continuing to allow their telecommunications service providers to use Chinese components as long as they take the kinds of precautions recommended by the British.”


Questions surrounding Huawei led to Vodafone Group pausing installation of new Huawei core network equipment across its European operations, while BT-owned EE has said it will strip Huawei equipment from its core network within two years.


France, Norway and Poland are also reportedly considering bans.

据报道,法国、挪威和波兰也在考虑对华为的禁令。(Kavit Majithia)

意大利否认对华为、中兴5G实施禁令的报道Italy rejects reports of Huawei,ZTE 5G ban


Italy’s Ministry of Economic Development denied reports it was planning to ban Huawei and ZTE from participating in the country’s 5G build-out, stating there was currently no proof of danger to national security.


In a statement, MISE hit back at a report by Italian newspaper La Stampa, which cited sources as stating the government was ready to use its “golden power” legislation to pull out of 5G contracts with both vendors to avoid paying penalties.


The newspaper reported Italy had bowed to pressure from the US to ban the vendors over concerns they are using the equipment to spy for the Chinese state.


MISE said in its statement that it denies the “print reconstructions”.


“With reference to press articles on alleged banning of Huawei and ZTE companies from Italy in view of the adoption of 5G technology, the Ministry of Economic Development denies its intentions to take any initiative in this regard.”


It continued to state that national security is priority and it will take action in the “event that critical issues arise”.

意大利方面随后进一步表示,国家安全高于一切,如果出现“重大问题”,那么经济发展部将会评估形势,采取一切必要举措。(Kavit Majithia)

土耳其移动电话运营商Turkcell宣布支持华为Turkcell stands up for Huawei


Turkcell declared its support for Huawei as global scrutiny grows against the Chinese vendor, with the operator stating it will continue to partner with the vendor and not act on uncorroborated claims.


In a statement, CEO Kaan Terzioglu (pictured) said Huawei had been a reliable business partner and it was unfair to evaluate security vulnerability claims against the company “in isolation from the current developments in the market”.

Turkcell首席执行官Kaan Terzioglu(见图)在一份声明中表示,华为一直是一个可靠的商业伙伴,在“与当前市场发展隔绝”的情况下评估针对该公司的安全漏洞指控是不公平的。

A number of countries are considering shutting Huawei out, following moves made by the US, Australia and New Zealand due to national security fears.


Terzioglu, however, believes the problem is “not just about personal data privacy. It’s also about just a couple of global companies’ desire to stay in power”.


He also said it would not be fair to evaluate Huawei’s current situation “by ignoring the competition in the smartphone market and the conflict of which company will lead 5G”.


“You may recall that last year another smartphone company faced unfavourable news. As you can see, whenever an unexpected company gets ahead, they are confronted. No-one should act on uncorroborated claims. Turkcell will continue to work with its long-time business partner Huawei, he said.


Terzioglu, which has pushed heavily on Turkcell establishing a number of new digital services in recent years, added that “data security remains as a top-priority national security issue globally”, while noting that there have been many failures of western companies in securing personal data.


“There still are ongoing cases and investigations on this specific topic. Consequently, we are completely aware of potential risks. We have been, and always will be, cautious about our business partnerships,” added Terzioglu.

“关于这一特殊议题的案例和调查仍在进行中,显然我们对潜在的风险完全知情。我们一直、也将永远对我们的商业伙伴关系保持谨慎态度”,Terzioglu说道。(Kavit Majithia)

新西兰重新评估对华为5G的限制New Zealand to reassess Huawei 5G restriction


New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern raised the possibility Huawei could still play a role in building a next-generation mobile network in the country, after stating it will independently evaluate the risk of using the vendor’s gear in 5G networks.


In late November 2018 New Zealand’s Government Communications Security Bureau (GCSB) turned down operator Spark’s initial bid to deploy Huawei infrastructure in a 5G network, citing significant national security risks.


Operators are required to notify the country’s spy agency of their planned approach to 5G deployments.


Ardern said there has been no final decision and the government is working through a process, meaning Huawei could still be involved if Spark can satisfy the GCSB’s concerns, Bloomberg reported.


A Spark representative told Newshub the operator was holding discussions with GCSB: “We are working through what possible mitigations we might be able to provide to address the concerns raised by the GCSB and have not yet made any decision on whether or when we should submit a revised proposal.”

Spark的一名代表告诉Newshub(新西兰的一家新闻服务机构),他们正在与新西兰政府通信安全局进行讨论:“我们正在研究能够提供哪些可能的缓解措施,以减轻新西兰政府通信安全局提出的担忧,但尚未就是否或何时提交修订后的提案做出任何决定。”(Joseph Waring)





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