
以跨之眼Trans' Eyes②|跨儿的火锅Trans'Hotpot

TSECC 跨青年 2021-04-14


We made a series of documentaries, for the first time, from the perspective of transgender people themselves to record theirlife, work and family.

大多数时候,我们难以看见跨性别者在哪里.ta们是什么样子?ta们有什么的故事?偶尔我们能看见的跨性别故事,都是由顺别者以ta们的视角去理解与记录的,包括跨青年之前发布的故事许多也是这样。Most of the time, it is difficult to see whereare trans people.What do they look like? What kind of storiesdo they have?A few transgender stories we can see areunderstood and recorded from the perspective of cisgender people, includingmany of the stories released by Trans Youths Educational Center.

我们跨性别者需要以自己的视角与语言来展现我们自己,跨性别者应该自己书写自己的故事,告诉社会大众我们是什么样的人,我们的生活是什么样子,我们其实是多么的多元。We trans people should write down our ownstories to tell the public who we are, what our life is like, and how diversewe trans people are in our own perspective and language. 

跨儿的火锅 Trans'Hotpot




Hot pot is one of the most inclusivecooking methods in the world. No matter what kind of ingredients, it can bedelicious in a pot of fresh and spicy soup. A family of four transgender peopleis like hot pot, where they are most inclusive. Family members do not need tobe related by blood, nor do they need to conclude marriages, just because theyhave the same identity, they can support each other.

系列影片介绍Introductionof series films 
以跨之眼Trans’Eyes 这个系列皆是由跨性别自己,以第一人称的视角来讲述各自的生活、工作与家庭。并且,这些琐碎的片段都由同是跨性别身份的导演记录并剪辑而成的短片。There are currently three short films inthis series, named Goodbye, Xintiandi, Normal Family and Trans’Hot Pot. All were from the first-perspective of we transgender ourselvesand telling our lives, work and family. Moreover, these short films were alsorecorded and edited by directors who are also transgender.
自媒体时代的今天,跨性别者们已经有机会掌握发声的主动权,我们经历过或正在经历的一切皆应由我们自己来记录,应有我们自己来告诉外界真实在我们生命中所发生的故事。Today, in the We-Media age, transgenderpeople have the opportunity to take the initiative to speak. Everything we haveexperienced or are experiencing should be recorded by ourselves, and it shouldbe us to tell the outside world the stories about what is really happening inour lives.
这个系列永远不会停止,随着社会的发展,跨性别者也总有新的故事发生,而我们要做的,就是不断地自我的记录。This series will never stop. With thedevelopment of the society, there are always new stories happening intransgender people’s lives, and what we want to do is to keep self-recording. 导演介绍Introductionof Director  核桃,跨性别女性,青年独立导演,摄影师,北京同志中心跨性别部门项目专员,全国跨性别热线总协调人,前《同志亦凡人》栏目编导,一直致力于用影像的方式记录中国LGBT。Walnut He,transgender woman, young independent director, photographer, the program specialistof the transgender department of the Beijing LGBT Center, the general coordinatorof the National Transgender Hotline, former editing-director of "Queer Comrades",has been committing to recording LGBT in China by films.


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