
Regulations on Maternity Leave and Allowances in China

Sophie & Denis LegalTips 2020-01-23

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The provisions on medical expenses and maternity allowances for female employees are mainly to be found in the “Special Provisions on Labour Protection for Female Employees” (“Special Provisions”) and the “Population and Family Planning Law of the People’s Republic of China” (“Family Planning Law”)
I. Maternity benefits:Article 8 of the Special Provisions provides: "The maternity allowance for female employees during maternity leave shall be paid by the maternity insurance fund in accordance with the standard of the average monthly salary of the employee in the previous year, if this employee is covered by maternity insurance; or will be paid by the employer if this employee is not covered by maternity insurance.The medical expenses of a female employee who has given birth or aborted shall be paid by the maternity insurance fund in accordance with the items and standards prescribed by this fund if this employee is covered by maternity insurance, or shall be paid by the employer if this employee is not covered by maternity insurance."Please note: If a female employee is already paid maternity allowances; she will no longer be paid salary by the employer. However, if the employer does not provide social insurance to female employees in time, the employer must pay salary to the female employee during her maternity leave. Any female employee can enjoy both at the same time.一、关于生育津贴:
2. Maternity leaveArticle 7 of the Special Provisions provides: “Female employees giving birth shall be entitled to a maternity leave of 98 days, of which 15 days may be taken before delivery; in the event of dystocia, the female employee shall be entitled to an additional 15 days; in the event of multiple births, the female employee shall be entitled to an additional 15 days for each additional baby.A female employee who suffers a miscarriage during the first four months of pregnancy shall be entitled to 15 days of maternity leave; a female employee who suffers a miscarriage after the fourth month of pregnancy shall be entitled to 42 days of maternity leave.

3. Extended maternity leaveIn addition, according to Article 25 of Family Planning Law: “Couples that give birth to children in compliance with the provisions of laws and regulations may be entitled to rewards of extended maternity leave or other benefits.”In other words, 98 days of maternity leave is the least maternity leave available to every female employee, there will be extra maternity leave applied to different situations. However, China does not yet provide a unified regulation on how long the extended maternity leave will be, it's provided by each provincial or municipal government.We have collected and classified regulations of all provinces or cities, and share the classification we made as follow:·      30 days of extended maternity leave:Beijing, Shanghai, Tianjin, Zhejiang, Hubei, Jiangsu, Chongqing·      50 days of extended maternity leaveGuangxi·      60 days of extended maternity leave:Anhui, Shanxi, Jiangxi, Ningxia, Sichuan, Shandong, Hunan, Liaoning, Hebei, Yunnan, Inner Mongolia, Jilin, Guizhou, Qinghai·      80 days of extended maternity leave:Guangdong, Shenzhen·      Three months of extended maternity leave:Henan, HainanOther:Total maternity leave of 180 days (including 98 days) - Heilongjiang, GansuTotal maternity leave of 158-180 days (including 98 days) - Fujian三、延长生育假此外,《中华人民共和国人口与计划生育法》第二十五条: “符合法律、法规规定生育子女的夫妻,可以获得延长生育假的奖励或者其他福利待遇。也就是说,98天产假是每个女职工都可以享有的最基本的产假;然后根据具体情况,还可以享受增加产假。但对于延长生育假,国家并没有统一规定, 这是由各个省或市自行制定的。我们这里集中了全国各地的规定,整理分享如下:延长生育假30天的:北京, 上海,天津,浙江,湖北,江苏,重庆延长生育假50天的:广西延长生育假60天的:安徽,山西,江西,宁夏,四川,山东,湖南,辽宁,河北,云南,内蒙古,吉林,贵州,青海延长生育假80天的:广东,深圳,延长生育假三个月的:河南,海南其他:180天(含98天)--黑龙江,甘肃158-180天(含98天)—福建

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