
RPC Civil Code:Chapter 20-Technology Contracts (P1)

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Section 1 General Provisions
第一节 一般规定Article 843    A technology contract is a contract that the parties conclude for establishing their rights and obligations in respect of technology development, assignment, license, consulting or service.
第八百四十三条   技术合同是当事人就技术开发、转让、许可、咨询或者服务订立的确立相互之间权利和义务的合同。Article 844    The conclusion of a technology contract shall be conducive to the protection of intellectual property rights as well as scientific and technological progress, and promote the research and development, transformation, application and popularization of scientific and technological achievements.
第八百四十四条   订立技术合同,应当有利于知识产权的保护和科学技术的进步,促进科学技术成果的研发、转化、应用和推广。Article 845    The contents of a technology contract shall generally include clauses dealing with the name of the project, the content, scope and requirements of the subject matter, the plan, location and method of performance, the confidentiality of technical information and data, the ownership of technical achievements and the method of profit distribution, standards and methods of examination and acceptance, and explanation of terms and phrases.The parties may agree to include the following materials relating to the performance of the contract as an integral part thereof: technical background information, feasibility studies and technical evaluation report, project charter and project plan, technical standard, technical specifications, original design and technique documents, as well as other technical documentation.Where a technology contract involves a patent, the name of the invention or creation, the patent applicant and the patentee, the date of application, the number of application, the patent number as well as the term of validity of the patent right shall be indicated.第八百四十五条   技术合同的内容一般包括项目的名称,标的的内容、范围和要求,履行的计划、地点和方式,技术信息和资料的保密,技术成果的归属和收益的分配办法,验收标准和方法,名词和术语的解释等条款。与履行合同有关的技术背景资料、可行性论证和技术评价报告、项目任务书和计划书、技术标准、技术规范、原始设计和工艺文件,以及其他技术文档,按照当事人的约定可以作为合同的组成部分。技术合同涉及专利的,应当注明发明创造的名称、专利申请人和专利权人、申请日期、申请号、专利号以及专利权的有效期限。
Article 846    The method for payment of the price, remuneration or royalties under a technology contract shall be agreed upon by the parties, who may agree upon lump-sum payment based on one-time calculation or installment payment based on one-time calculation, and may also agree upon royalty payment or royalty payment plus advance payment of initial fee.Where royalty payment is agreed, the said amount may be calculated according to a fixed percentage of the product's price, of any increase in output or profit following the exploitation of the patent or the use of the technical secret, or of the product's sales volume, or according to other agreed methods. The royalty payment may be made at a fixed rate, or on the basis of an increasing or decreasing rate year by year.Where royalty payment is agreed, the parties may agree on a method for access to the relevant accounts.第八百四十六条   技术合同价款、报酬或者使用费的支付方式由当事人约定,可以采取一次总算、一次总付或者一次总算、分期支付,也可以采取提成支付或者提成支付附加预付入门费的方式。约定提成支付的,可以按照产品价格、实施专利和使用技术秘密后新增的产值、利润或者产品销售额的一定比例提成,也可以按照约定的其他方式计算。提成支付的比例可以采取固定比例、逐年递增比例或者逐年递减比例。约定提成支付的,当事人可以约定查阅有关会计账目的办法。
Article 847    Where the right to use and the right to assign job-related technological achievement belong to a legal person or an unincorporated organization, such legal person or unincorporated organization may enter into a technology contract in respect of such job-related technological achievement. If the legal person or unincorporated organization concludes a technology contract to assign the job-related technological achievement, the individual who has accomplished this achievement shall have the priority to be the assignee under the same conditions.A job-related technological achievement refers to a technological achievement accomplished in the process of carrying out the task assigned by a legal person or an unincorporated organization, or by mainly using the material and technological resources thereof.第八百四十七条   职务技术成果的使用权、转让权属于法人或者非法人组织的,法人或者非法人组织可以就该项职务技术成果订立技术合同。法人或者非法人组织订立技术合同转让职务技术成果时,职务技术成果的完成人享有以同等条件优先受让的权利。职务技术成果是执行法人或者非法人组织的工作任务,或者主要是利用法人或者非法人组织的物质技术条件所完成的技术成果。
Article 848    The right to use and assign a non-job-related technological achievement shall belong to the individual who has accomplished it. The individual may conclude a technology contract in respect of such a non-job-related technological achievement.第八百四十八条   非职务技术成果的使用权、转让权属于完成技术成果的个人,完成技术成果的个人可以就该项非职务技术成果订立技术合同。
Article 849    An individual who has accomplished a technological achievement shall have the right to be named as such in the documents concerning the technological achievement and the right to receive certificates of honor and awards for the achievement.第八百四十九条   完成技术成果的个人享有在有关技术成果文件上写明自己是技术成果完成者的权利和取得荣誉证书、奖励的权利。
Article 850    A technology contract which illegally monopolizes technology or infringes on the technology of a third party is invalid.第八百五十条   非法垄断技术或者侵害他人技术成果的技术合同无效。
Section 2 Technology Development Contracts第二节 技术开发合同
Article 851    A technology development contract is a contract concluded between parties in respect of the research and development of new technologies, new products, new techniques, new varieties or new materials and the associated system.Technology development contracts include commissioned development contracts and cooperative development contracts.A technology development contract shall be in written form.A contract on the transformation of a scientific and technological achievement with practical value shall be governed mutatis mutandis by the relevant provisions on technology development contracts.第八百五十一条   技术开发合同是当事人之间就新技术、新产品、新工艺、新品种或者新材料及其系统的研究开发所订立的合同。技术开发合同包括委托开发合同和合作开发合同。技术开发合同应当采用书面形式。当事人之间就具有实用价值的科技成果实施转化订立的合同,参照适用技术开发合同的有关规定。Article 852    The principal to a commissioned development contract shall, as agreed in the contract, provide research and development funds and remuneration, supply technical materials, set development requirements, complete tasks of cooperation and accept the research and development achievement.第八百五十二条   委托开发合同的委托人应当按照约定支付研究开发经费和报酬,提供技术资料,提出研究开发要求,完成协作事项,接受研究开发成果。
Article 853    The developer under a commissioned development contract shall, as agreed in the contract, prepare and implement the research and development plan, use research and development funds in a reasonable manner, timely complete the research and development and deliver the research and development achievement, as well as provide the relevant technical materials and necessary technical guidance so as to help the principal master the research and development achievement.第八百五十三条   委托开发合同的研究开发人应当按照约定制定和实施研究开发计划,合理使用研究开发经费,按期完成研究开发工作,交付研究开发成果,提供有关的技术资料和必要的技术指导,帮助委托人掌握研究开发成果。
Article 854    Where a party to a commissioned development contract breaches the contract, thereby causing stoppage, delay or failure of the research and development, it shall be liable for the breach of contract.第八百五十四条   委托开发合同的当事人违反约定造成研究开发工作停滞、延误或者失败的,应当承担违约责任。Article 855    Parties to a cooperative development contract shall, as agreed in the contract, make their investment, including investment of technology, participate in the research and development by performing their respective tasks and cooperate with each other in the research and development.
第八百五十五条   合作开发合同的当事人应当按照约定进行投资,包括以技术进行投资,分工参与研究开发工作,协作配合研究开发工作。
Article 856    Where a party to a cooperative development contract breaches the contract, thereby causing stoppage, delay or failure of the research and development, it shall be liable for the breach of contract.第八百五十六条   合作开发合同的当事人违反约定造成研究开发工作停滞、延误或者失败的,应当承担违约责任。Article 857    If the technology which is the subject matter of a technology development contract is made public by a third party, thereby making the performance of the technology development contract meaningless, the parties may rescind the contract.第八百五十七条   作为技术开发合同标的的技术已经由他人公开,致使技术开发合同的履行没有意义的,当事人可以解除合同。Article 858    If, in the course of performing a technology development contract, the research and development is failed in whole or in part due to any insurmountable technical difficulty, such risks shall be agreed upon by the parties. If there is no such agreement in the contract or such agreement is unclear, nor can they be determined in accordance with the provisions of Article 510 hereof, such risks shall be shared reasonably by the parties.If a party discovers circumstances which are likely to result in a failure or partial failure in research and development as stipulated in the preceding paragraph, it should promptly notify the other party and adopt appropriate measures to reduce the loss. If the loss is increased as a result of a failure to promptly notify the other party and adopt appropriate measures, the party shall bear liability for the additional loss.第八百五十八条   技术开发合同履行过程中,因出现无法克服的技术困难,致使研究开发失败或者部分失败的,该风险由当事人约定;没有约定或者约定不明确,依据本法第五百一十条的规定仍不能确定的,风险由当事人合理分担。当事人一方发现前款规定的可能致使研究开发失败或者部分失败的情形时,应当及时通知另一方并采取适当措施减少损失;没有及时通知并采取适当措施,致使损失扩大的,应当就扩大的损失承担责任。
Article 859    With respect to an invention or creation accomplished in the performance of a commissioned development, the right to apply for a patent belongs to the party that undertakes the research and development, except as otherwise provided for by law or agreed upon by the parties. Where the party which has undertaken the research and development is granted a patent, the principal may exploit such patent in accordance with the law.If the party which has undertaken the research and development assigns its right to apply for a patent, the principal shall enjoy the priority to acquire the assignment on equal terms.第八百五十九条   委托开发完成的发明创造,除法律另有规定或者当事人另有约定外,申请专利的权利属于研究开发人。研究开发人取得专利权的,委托人可以依法实施该专利。研究开发人转让专利申请权的,委托人享有以同等条件优先受让的权利。
Article 860    For an invention or creation accomplished in cooperative development, the right to apply for a patent shall be jointly owned by the parties to the cooperative development. If one of the parties assigns its jointly owned right to apply for a patent, the other parties shall have a priority right to be assigned on equal terms. However, if the parties have agreed otherwise, such agreement shall prevail.If a party in the cooperative development declares that it waives its joint right to apply for a patent, the patent may be applied for independently by the other party or jointly by the other parties, unless otherwise agreed upon by the parties. If a patent is granted to the applicant, the party that waives its right to apply for the patent may exploit the patent for free.If a party in the cooperative development does not agree to apply for a patent, the other party or parties may not apply for it.第八百六十条   合作开发完成的发明创造,申请专利的权利属于合作开发的当事人共有;当事人一方转让其共有的专利申请权的,其他各方享有以同等条件优先受让的权利。但是,当事人另有约定的除外。合作开发的当事人一方声明放弃其共有的专利申请权的,除当事人另有约定外,可以由另一方单独申请或者由其他各方共同申请。申请人取得专利权的,放弃专利申请权的一方可以免费实施该专利。合作开发的当事人一方不同意申请专利的,另一方或者其他各方不得申请专利。
Article 861    The right to use and assign the technical secret resulting from a commissioned or cooperative development, and the method for distribution of the benefits accrued therefrom shall be agreed upon by the parties. Where there is no such agreement in the contract or such agreement is unclear, nor can they be determined in accordance with the provisions of Article 510 hereof, the parties shall all have the right to use and assign the technical secret prior to the grant of the patent right for the same technical solution. However, the party that are entrusted to undertake research and development may not assign the research and development achievements to a third party before delivering them to the principal. 第八百六十一条   委托开发或者合作开发完成的技术秘密成果的使用权、转让权以及收益的分配办法,由当事人约定;没有约定或者约定不明确,依据本法第五百一十条的规定仍不能确定的,在没有相同技术方案被授予专利权前,当事人均有使用和转让的权利。但是,委托开发的研究开发人不得在向委托人交付研究开发成果之前,将研究开发成果转让给第三人。Tap "Read More" to visit our website
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