
Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement

LegalTips LegalTips 2021-10-12

On 15 November 2020, during the 4th Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) Summit, Minister of Commerce of People’s Republic of China Zhong Shan signed the RCEP on behalf of the Chinese government, together with the trade ministers of 10 ASEAN countries, Japan, the ROK, Australia and New Zealand.

The RCEP consists of 20 chapters, covering comprehensive market access commitments on goods, services, investment and other areas. It is a comprehensive, modern, high-quality and mutually beneficial free trade agreement. The overall liberalization level for trade in goods exceeds 90%; the service trade commitment is significantly higher than that of the original China-ASEAN FTA; the negative list approach is applied for market access commitments on investment; the rules cover trade facilitation, intellectual property rights, e-commerce, competition policy, government procurement and other areas at a higher level. The RCEP Agreement also fully takes differences in economic scale and development level among members into consideration, and includes dedicated chapters on small and medium-sized enterprises and economic and technological cooperation to help developing members, especially the least developed ones, to fully enjoy the benefits of RCEP.RCEP包括20个章节,涵盖货物、服务、投资等全面的市场准入承诺,是一份全面、现代、高质量、互惠的自贸协定。货物贸易整体自由化水平达到90%以上;服务贸易承诺显著高于原有的“10+1”自贸协定水平,投资采用负面清单模式做出市场开放承诺,规则领域纳入了较高水平的贸易便利化、知识产权、电子商务、竞争政策、政府采购等内容。RCEP协定还充分考虑了成员间经济规模和发展水平差异,专门设置了中小企业和经济技术合作等章节,以帮助发展中成员、特别是最不发达成员充分共享RCEP成果。
The signing of the RCEP Agreement marks the successful launch of the world's largest free trade area and is a new milestone for East Asian economic integration. The total population, economic volume and trade of the 15 existing RCEP members all account for about 30% of the global total, which means that about one third of the global economy forms an integrated market. This will strongly support the free trade and multilateral trading system, promote international cooperation against COVID-19, keep the regional industrial chain and supply chain stable, and boost regional and global economic recovery and development.RCEP的签署标志着全球最大的自由贸易区成功启航,是东亚区域经济一体化新的里程碑。RCEP现有15个成员国总人口、经济体量、贸易总额均占全球总量约30%,意味着全球约三分之一的经济体量形成一体化大市场。这将有力支持自由贸易和多边贸易体制,促进国际抗疫合作,稳定区域产业链供应链,助推区域和世界经济恢复发展。

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