
STOTEN | 中科院城环所姚槐应团队:三价铁和硝酸盐调控稻田甲烷厌氧氧化

罗旦 姚槐应 生物质前沿 2023-03-27

图文摘要 | Graphical abstract

导读 | Introduction


The anaerobic oxidation of methane (AOM) mediated by microorganisms is a key process in the reduction of methane emissions. Paddy fields are a significant source of methane and account for 20% of global methane emissions, but the effect of electron acceptors on the methane emission process in flooded paddy fields has been poorly characterized. This study aimed to determine whether the electron acceptors ferric iron, nitrate, and biochar, can regulate the AOM process, and the active microorganisms in paddy soil by combined DNA-stable isotope probing with amplicon sequencing.


Influence of the reduction of electron acceptors on methane oxidation

添加不同电子受体后,甲烷浓度在28天的培养过程中有不同程度的下降。通过添加13CH4后生成的13CO2富集情况来评估电子受体的作用,结果显示(图1),与对照组相比,添加硝酸盐处理组(N)和三价铁处理组(Fh)显著提高了13CH413CO2的转化率(p <0.05),而添加生物炭处理组(B)对AOM没有显著影响<0.05)。此外,该研究通过化学计量学方法进一步确认了硝酸盐依赖型和铁依赖型AOM过程的存在。

Over the 28 days of incubation, the methane concentration decreased to varying degrees with the addition of the different electron acceptors. We detected 13CO2 enrichment derived from 13CH4 with the various electron acceptors. The addition of nitrate and ferric iron significantly increased the rate of conversion of 13CH4 to 13CO2 compared to the control. There was no significant difference between the control and the biochar treatment.

图1 不同电子受体添加13CH4后的13CO2富集情况。*表示添加12CH4的控制组

Fig. 1 13CO2 enrichment from 13CH4 injection with various electron acceptors. The stars show the control with only 12CH4 added


DNA-SIP technology to isolate target DNA

培养28天后,对土样进行DNA的提取与密度梯度离心,分析16S rRNA基因的相对丰度(图2)结果显示,不同处理下13CH412CH4的基因丰度存在差异13C重层DNA的浮力密度为1.71-1.73 g ml-1,而12C轻层DNA的浮力密度为1.69-1.70 g ml-1。Fe3+处理组和Fe3++生物炭处理组中13C与12C的DNA浮力密度差异最大,而生物炭的加入减小了硝酸盐处理的差异性。

Following DNA extraction and high-speed density gradient centrifugation, qPCR revealed the relative abundance contribution of 16S rRNA genes in each fraction. It can be seen that the 13C-labeled methane in each treatment has different degrees of deviation compared with the 12C-methane. The most obvious deviation was observed with the Fe3+ and Fe3++biochar treatments. However, the addition of biochar reduced the deviation of the NO3- treatment.

图2 氯化铯密度梯度离心后16S rRNA基因相对丰度的分布

Fig. 2 The relative abundance distribution of 16S rRNA genes across the CsCl density gradients


Functional microorganisms in the process of Fe3+-AOM and NO3--AOM

选取13C重层DNA样品细菌和古菌16SrRNA基因测序。在所有样品中均检测到三个古菌门(Euryarchaeota,Thaumarchaeota和 Crenarchaeota),且这三个优势菌门的丰度在不同电子受体处理组中存在显著差异(<0.05)。在所有处理中Bacillus属是最主要的细菌属。线性判别分析(LEfSe)表明,不同电子受体处理组的细菌分类存在显著差异(<0.05)(图3)。进化分支图显示,三价铁处理组(Fh)中Clostridiales目最丰富,硝酸盐处理组(N)主要增加了Rhodanobacter属的丰度。另外,热图结果表明,三价铁处理组(Fh)富集了Geobacter,Ammoniphilus,Clostridium等铁还原菌,硝酸盐处理组(N)富集了Rhodanobacter,Paenibacillus, Planococcus等硝酸盐还原菌(图4)

The 13C-treatment “heavy” fractions were chosen for sequencing. LEfSe analysis showed that significant taxonomic differences in bacteria occurred between different electron acceptor treatments. The bacteria distinguishing the Fh treatment were mainly in the order Clostridiales. Additionally, the N treatment showed a greater abundance of the genus Rhodanobacter. The heatmap analysis shows Geobacter, Ammoniphilus, and Clostridium were enriched in the Fh treatment. Rhodanobacter, Paenibacillus, and Planococcus were enriched in the N treatment. 

图3 基于16S序列的LEfSe分析获得的物种进化分支图

Fig. 3 Taxonomic cladogram derived from LEfSe analysis of the 16S sequences

图4 不同处理组细菌属水平相对丰度热图

Fig. 4 Heatmap of genera in the relative abundances of bacterial communities in different treatments

总结 | Conclusions 


Ferric iron and nitrate act as terminal electron acceptors that can promote the oxidation of CH4 and thus effectively mitigate the greenhouse gas emission in paddy soil. Furthermore, this work provides DNA-SIP based evidence that ferric iron-dependent AOM and nitrate-dependent AOM are mainly driven by iron-reducing bacteria and nitrate-reducing bacteria, respectively. Other potential electron acceptors and related active microorganisms need further research.

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本文内容来自ELSEVIER旗舰期刊Sci Total Environ第788卷发表的论文:

Dan Luo, Xiangtian Meng, Ningguo Zheng, Yaying Li, Huaiying Yao, Stephen J. Chapman, The anaerobic oxidation of methane in paddy soil by ferric iron and nitrate, and the microbial communities involved, Sci Total Environ 2021, 788, 147773


主要作者:姚槐应  研究员


博士生导师、国家杰青,科技部中青年科技创新领军人才,国家“万人计划”科技创新领军人才,享受国务院政府特殊津贴。在Nature Communications、Environmental Microbiology、Environmental Science & Technology、Soil Biology & Biochemistry等国内外相关领域期刊发表论文120余篇,论文累计被SCI引用3000余次。担任多家国内外学术期刊的编委或编辑,中国土壤学会土壤环境专业委员会副主任等学术兼职。主要从事土壤典型污染物的分布、迁移和转化的关键微生物过程及其机理方面的研究。承担了国家重点研发专项“场地抗生素及抗性基因环境行为与健康风险”项目,中科院先导专项“土壤-微生物系统功能及其调控”的课题任务,国家自然科学基金委的杰出青年项目以及国际合作项目等。

主要作者:Stephen Chapman 研究员

英国James Hutton研究所

现为英国James Hutton研究所的高级研究员。1976年获利物浦大学微生物学博士学位。从1984年起就任职于James Hutton研究所(原为Macaulay研究所),拥有35年的土壤微生物研究经验。研究方向主要是植物-土壤-微生物系统中元素循环的微生物过程,包括有机质的转化、土壤呼吸与温室效应、土壤硫循环等,创立了测试微生物呼吸的新方法-MicroResp, 并且获国际授权专利。现已在Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment, Environmental Microbiology, Global Change Biology, Ecology, Journal of Ecology, Environmental Science & Technology等权威期刊上发表SCI论文80余篇。

第一作者:罗旦  博士研究生


主要从事稻田甲烷排放过程与微生物作用机制研究,运用DNA-SIP技术揭示稻田甲烷氧化的微生物过程,以及电子受体与其耦合作用。以第一作者在Science of the Total Environment、Peer J等国际期刊发表论文2篇。


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Elsevier旗舰期刊Science of the Total Environment (STOTEN)于1972年创刊,刊载环境及与人类相关的研究成果。2020年影响因子为7.963,位于JCR 1区。在2021谷歌学术指标期刊排名中,H5指数为180,位居全球期刊总榜第35位。

Elsevier's flagship journal Science of the Total Environment (STOTEN) started in 1972. STOTEN is an international journal for scientific research of environment and its relationship with humankind. According to the Journal Citation Reports in 2020, the Impact Factor of STOTEN is 7.963. According to the 2021 Google Scholar Metrics, its H5-index is 180, ranking the 35th among all journals.

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